Imaginarios musicales Vol. I

Mito y música

Imaginarios musicales Vol. I -  AA.VV. - Itaca
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The set of essays presented here are articulated around a central question: what is the relation between myth and music? On the one hand, what we understand as a myth, beyond the pejorative meaning to which Western rationality usually confines it, and, on the other hand, how myth is protected and recreated in musical creation, from the origins of culture to the contemporary era. For while myths appear through their symbolic language the archetypal images of humanity, the arts (poiesis) represent the most elaborate field of their expression in reality. The reflection on the relationship between mythic-religious thought and musical creation, as a symbolic sonic language, has so far been little valued, given the fundamental predominance in modernity of instrumental language and media image.

The purpose of these essays is to relate the ancient wisdom of myth to music in the more


Book: Imaginarios musicales Vol. I

ISBN: 9786070272271