Impresionismo en cine y pintura

Orígenes, vanguardias, contemporaneidad

Impresionismo en cine y pintura - Orlando Merino - ENAC
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 0.884 g
Soft cover

From its origins, cinema condenses and compiles attributes of painting
and, surprisingly, of Impressionism – the first avant-garde
artistic that influenced other arts, such as literature, music and
dance – and post-impressionism, inserting itself in turn in the center
of the avant-garde. Orlando Merino and Jaime García Estrada give an account
of the diverse and profound correlations between cinema and painting; to
While they follow a historical development, they propose games of
mirrors through currents, expressions and works to our
days. The analysis of color theories, decomposition stand out.
of light and movement, the technical advances that allowed
Artists painting outdoors, the emergence of the invention of
photography; as well as the review of the one who has been considered the father
of modern art: Vincent van Gogh, for his enormous influence on
the later art.


Book: Impresionismo en cine y pintura

ISBN: 9786073010207