Indios imaginarios e indios reales

En los relatos de la Conquista de México. Huellas de un largo trabajo en la memoria cristiana

Indios imaginarios e indios reales - Guy Rozat Dupeyron - Navarra
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Soft cover

Some time ago, Edmundo O'Gorman called attention to the symbolic and discursive production that led to "the invention of America." Paraphrasing it, we could add that the Western logos, who produced the invention of America at the beginning of the 16th century, has not ceased, since then, to continue inventing it and to produce successive discourses of representations of America. These representations, a product of Western legitimizing activity, took shape in historical practice, a privileged place and magical mirror in which the Western gaze delights in inventing others. This historical truth of others cannot escape the absolute control of the logic of its origins, and although it attempts to base its truth on primary sources, true testimonies, the logic that organizes them, no matter how rational it may be, will always be a Western imaginary production. . In this sense, it is worth more


Book: Indios imaginarios e indios reales

ISBN: 9786079497545
Precio de lista: $300.00
Descuento: 10%