Interpretar la comunicación

Estudios sobre medios en América y Europa

Interpretar la comunicación - Miquel De Moragas i Spà - Gedisa
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Soft cover

Interpreting communication aims to respond to the major changes that have occurred both in communication and in its studies in recent decades. The priority of this book, unlike other manuals, is not the description of the object (communication) but, rather, its interpretations. The book traces the history of information transmission research (Shannon and Wiener), also the development of mass communication research (Lazarsfeld, Merton, Lasswell) and early cultural studies, but also pays attention to research that has been surpassing those theories and that have converged in modern communication studies. New perspectives have been added to the initial currents of communication sciences (cyber model, functionalist empirical approach of the media, structural method of cultural analysis and historical approximation) that have renewed communicational thinking. New perspectives open by more


Book: Interpretar la comunicación

ISBN: 9788497846615
Precio de lista: $630.00
Descuento: 20%