Introducción a Heidegger

Introducción a Heidegger - Gianni Vattimo - Gedisa
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Submit or understand German philosopher Martin Heidegger often is somewhat difficult, especially when no text some translations are addressed and in the vernacular, however, throughout history some philosophers have tried to explain and define the terms for better understanding. Thus, this collaboration aims to address broadly the first paragraph entitled "Being and Time" Introduction to Heidegger's work of Gianni Vattimo, which is considered as one of the outstanding introduction about Heidegger's philosophy. Indeed, Gianni Vattimo begins by specifying that the text be time Martin Heidegger, part of the problem of rethinking the investigation of the notion of being, as this matter to be seemingly obvious and abstract reveals a necessary reformulation of terms being . To do this, also the author contextualizes the time when the work was written.


Book: Introducción a Heidegger

ISBN: 9788474322545
Precio de lista: $515.00
Descuento: 20%