
Kokoro - Natsume Soseki - Impedimenta
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

Coinciding with the centenary of his appearance, Impedimenta publishes a new translation of Soseki's masterpiece, which would prefigure that of authors of the importance of Akutagawa, Kawabata or Murakami. Kokoro (heart, in Japanese) tells the story of a subtle and moving friendship between two unnamed characters, a young man and an enigmatic old man we know as Sensei. Tormented by tragic secrets that have cast a long shadow over his life, Sensei slowly opens himself to his young disciple, confessing indiscretions of his student days that they have left in him a trail of guilt, and which reveal, in the seemingly insurmountable abyss of his moral anguish and his struggle to understand the mysteries of love and destiny , the profound cultural shift from one generation to the next that characterized Japan in the early 20th century.


Book: Kokoro

ISBN: 9788415979128
Precio de lista: $425.00
Descuento: 10%