With a preface by Marcel Proust John Ruskin (1819-1900) was for sixty years one of the great reference figures of European thought. His nostalgia for the past and his anti-modern esthetic, moral and religious stance gave rise to works like The Seven Lamparas of Architecture or The Stones of Venice. In this line is inserted the Bible of Amiens (1880-1885), the book in which Ruskin chose the cathedral of Amiens as a touchstone of its particular adjustment of accounts with the industrial society. Marcel Proust (1871-1922) was for a time a fervent admirer of Ruskin and this led him to translate the French Bible of Amiens, accompanying his translation (published in 1904) of numerous notes and an extensive prologue which, like all pages Proustianas, immediately takes on a life of its own beyond the immediate subject that had motivated it, becoming one of the most interesting aesthetic refle...read more