La Biblia


La Biblia -  AA.VV. - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 1555 g
Hard cover

Today is already fully embedded the strong conviction that the Bible is the source and foundation of all statements of faith. This version looks for the meaning of biblical texts themselves, their place of origin analyzes historical, cultural and geographical history of oral transmission and written stages of its allocation for centuries, long and rugged with multiple stages, the intention authors and the literary genre that relied. This wealth of new knowledge has been used to incorporate the translation of the Bible Editorial Herder first published in the sixties and seventies and he took over at the time the father Seraphim Ausejo. That edition has been thoroughly revised and updated, and incorporated the changes requested by the scientific advances and new attitudes and sensibilities, religious and cultural sensitivities of the times. The Bible is a text designed to be read aloud more

Category: All >> Holy Scriptures

Book: La Biblia

ISBN: 8425422353
Precio de lista: $2,005.00
Descuento: 30%