La cuestión del nombre en el psicoanálisis

La cuestión del nombre en el psicoanálisis - Eduardo García Silva - Navarra
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Soft cover

The central thesis of this text is the commitment to the resignification of the proper name in an analysis; to the extent that it denounces the subjective position, the family romance, the constitution of some symptoms, the desire of the Other, and even how it participates in the transference; that journey that tries to make the subject assume and appropriate the name that names him and then, yes, name himself; This journey, then, is involved in every analysis and constitutes an important, necessary and unavoidable passage of every analysis, like the work with and from the transference itself.

This work does not intend to answer all the questions that the approach to the name already raises, rather it will add others, and like the name itself, perhaps it conveys a void that is impossible to fill and impossible to name.

Impossible to name, such is the paradox of the name, more

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychoanalysis

Book: La cuestión del nombre en el psicoanálisis

ISBN: 9786079497149
Precio de lista: $200.00
Descuento: 10%