La Enfermedad de Alzheimer 

Saber, prevenir, tratar, vivir con la enfermedad

La Enfermedad de Alzheimer  - Annelies  Furtmayr Schuh - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 195 g

In industrialized societies twenty percent of the population over fifty years experience or more accurately, suffers Alzheimer's disease. By terrifying than the name we please, we must become familiar with it. This book informs the reader of two important aspects. First, on recent progress in biochemical research of this disease. The work of K. Germany Beyreuther and Colin L. Masters in Australia are revealing the true root of evil genetic code and open the way to the hope of healing. Second, the author advises and guides about the treatment to be given to these patients. The practical part is undoubtedly the most thank the families of the affected people, who often feel completely baffled against the sick.


Book: La Enfermedad de Alzheimer 

ISBN: 8425418887
Precio de lista: $680.00
Descuento: 50%