To deserve reality you have to invent it. This assertion, with the will of a slogan or, as Nora Avaro says, of "ethical safe-conduct", can be read at least a couple of times in this book, but also distinguished, like a fine and firm conductive thread, throughout all its pages. The writings selected here on Argentine and Uruguayan authors, famous or unknown, canonical or marginal, emphasize, in their singular moods, the artistic empire of that invention.
Because whether as narrators, poets, diarists or autobiographers, Borges, Ocampo, Uhart, Moreno, Di Giorgio, Saccone, Raimondi, Muruaga, Vilariño, Pizarnik, Pérez, Aira, Pauls, Benesdra, Baron Biza, Canton and even the rest and provincial Mastronardi, all touched, in one way or another by the figurative activity of enumeration, know how to masterfully temper in their fictions the always poetic and always political terms of authenticity.