La Escuela de Palo Alto

La Escuela de Palo Alto - Jean-Jacques Wittezaele - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 525 g

The Palo Alto-resonance with a Spanish name, is famous throughout the world. His contributions to psychological research of interest to a wide range of professionals: the communications specialist is suggestive guidance in the innovative work of Gregory Bateson, systematized and extended by Paul Watzlawick, the philosopher of science is based on the new scientific paradigm based on the notion of information and concepts emerging from cybernetics, the therapist realizes that almost all current and new sitémica family therapy have their origins, more distant or near, the work of the founders of the Center for brief Therapy . Arguably, the new ideas developed in Palo Alto have outgrown the framework of its origin and have spread among all those who, scientific or professionally, are related to human communication. It is of great interest, therefore, know the history and evolution of the more


Book: La Escuela de Palo Alto

ISBN: 8425418550
Precio de lista: $1,200.00
Descuento: 30%