La Evolución de la conciencia religiosa

La Evolución de la conciencia religiosa - Karl Heinz  Ohlig - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 415 g

The history of mankind is linked inseparably to the history of religious consciousness. This study, highly established and well-argued, reveals how religion has shaped the history of humanity's cultural and how much has been of crucial importance for the individual who needs to address their existential condition knowing exposed to natural and historical forces.
This book gives an overview of the history of religions that illustrates how, after the plurality of religious expressions countless different and even divergent structural resemblances emerge betray a fundamental unity in the basic budget. Ohliger presents the different historical periods: the prehistoric stone age, the first high cultures and world religions finally classified in three groups of monism, monotheism and dualism and points to the evolutionary logic inherent in this process, which is considered progress more

Category: All >> Religion >> Christianity

Book: La Evolución de la conciencia religiosa

ISBN: 8425423015
Precio de lista: $800.00
Descuento: 30%