La fórmula secreta

La fórmula secreta - Rubén Gámez - Alias
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Hard cover

Gamez in 1964 filmed the short feature film The Secret Formula, eccentric and amazing tape, first place winner of I Contest of Experimental Cinema in 1965, which had the collaboration of Juan Rulfo with an eponymous poem read for the screen by Jaime Sabines.

The contest and the film, now cult, were key parts of a peak around the ideology of film and production conditions in the twilight of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema discussion.

This book contains fotosecuencias of films Gamez, interspersed with news, interviews and texts published in newspapers of the time and writings of Juan Rulfo, Jorge Ayala Blanco, Jose de la Colina, Jesse Lerner, Carlos Monsivais, Alejandro Pelayo Rangel, to name Some. From this set of images and documents can follow the plot of a complex and surprising story that describes an exceptional moment of film culture in Mexico.

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Book: La fórmula secreta

ISBN: 9786077985181
Precio de lista: $399.00
Descuento: 15%