La guerra de Troya

La guerra de Troya - Barry Strauss - Edhasa
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Soft cover

Starting point of Homer's Iliad, the Trojan War is, without a doubt, one of the most important and recognized war conflicts in history, one of the cornerstones of Western culture. There a coalition of Achaean armies faced the city of Troy (Ilion). And, according to classical myth, it was a punishment expedition by the Achaeans, whose casus belli would be the abduction of the beautiful Helen of Sparta by the Trojan prince Paris... These events, well known in the popular imagination to this day, were considered true by the ancient Greeks. However, although Homer started from real events, controversy periodically resurfaces, because how much truth is there in the story of the aedo? And where does the idea of an invading horse or the famous Achilles' heel come from? In short, how much history and how much legend in the mythical Trojan War?

His deep knowledge of Greco-Latin culture more


Category: All >> History >> Antiquity Europe

Book: La guerra de Troya

ISBN: 9788435027410
Precio de lista: $475.00
Descuento: 10%