La guerra del lobo

La guerra del lobo - Bernard Cornwell - Edhasa
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XI novel of the Saxons, Vikings and Normans saga, now also in pocket

Uhtred has finally recovered Bebbanburg, the stronghold of his ancestors. But peace still seems impossible, as a double threat looms over him. On the one hand, Wessex, where the dynastic struggle rages to decide who will be the next king, and Mercia, with rebellion in the air as King Edward tries to take control. And everywhere, the invaders from the north continue their relentless raid, hungry for land. With the sole ambition of conquering Northumbria, Sköll leads a terrifying army of wolf-warriors, men who fight savagely, half-maddened, in the belief that they are indeed wolves.

Uhtred, a warrior admired by all, whom some seek as an ally and others fear as his adversary, is once again torn between his two worlds. But, when he finds himself fighting on what he considers the wrong side, facing one of more


Book: La guerra del lobo

ISBN: 9788435022538
Precio de lista: $250.00
Descuento: 10%