La historia humana

Del origen a nuestros días

La historia humana -  AA.VV. - Siglo XXI Editores
Publisher name: 
Siglo XXI Editores
Year of publication: 

The impact of human activities on the planet compromises the future of our own species. Biodiversity loss, changes in land use, modified material and energy cycles and depleted resources are some of the indicators that indicate that we are exceeding the capacity limits of the natural environment.
In addition to analyzing how human actions bring about large-scale changes, there is an urgent need to build a new relationship with the environment and between people to control, reverse and stop the profound ecological impacts that humanity has generated on Earth .
The evolutionary history of our species is marked by events that have modified our relationship with the environment. Human groups have been characterized by severe impacts on the environment in which they have developed, as a result of multiple adaptation strategies to the very diverse environments in which more


Book: La historia humana

ISBN: 9786070307010
Precio de lista: $100.00
Descuento: 20%