La idea de modernidad y la construcción del Estado nación en México, cambio, crisis y utopía

La idea de modernidad y la construcción del Estado nación en México, cambio, crisis y utopía - Felipe Reyes Miranda - Itaca
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Modernity is worth standard method and historical performance of the Mexican culture tends to define his work and what should be presented with mandatory as a means and purpose of the national history. We can divide into three times the modern construction of the Mexican state: first, the genesis of the nation state, in the late eighteenth century until the construction of the Republic in 1824; the second, the definition of the nationalist state, culminating in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, and the third, the liberal, expressing a host of reforms that attempt to provide some guidance to modern country at the turn of the twentieth century XXI


Book: La idea de modernidad y la construcción del Estado nación en México, cambio, crisis y utopía

ISBN: 9786077957300