La inesperada verdad sobre los animales

La inesperada verdad sobre los animales - Lucy Cooke - Anagrama
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Book size:
Soft cover

Surprising, shocking and often very funny truths about the animal kingdom, in a delicious book that combines rigor and humor.

Do we know everything about animals? Is our knowledge about them really scientific? Or do we allow ourselves to be carried away by myths, clichés and false truths?

This book reveals to us how we project our beliefs onto animals, how we attribute to them attitudes and roles that are translations of our vision of the world. And so, seduced by the images of a famous documentary about penguins, we turn them into a paragon of family virtues, loyalty and responsibility. Endearing. But are they really like that? Well, it turns out that rather not...

And, like this one, the book debunks many other false myths: are hyenas really cowards? Are bats fond of vampirism? Are the vultures the bad guys in the movie? And it also offers us a very juicy more


Book: La inesperada verdad sobre los animales

ISBN: 9788433964410
Precio de lista: $495.00
Descuento: 10%