La investigación de la movilidad humana

Miradas y propuestas desde el Sistema

La investigación de la movilidad humana -  AA.VV. - Ibero
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Soft cover

The investigation of human mobility: views and proposals from the Jesuit University System is a work that is organized through three axes of analysis: 1) invisibility, exclusion and discrimination, an axis that is made up of three investigations related to State violence and legal framework that affects migrants and applicants for international protection; II) Cultural knowledge, everyday life and gender in human mobility, an axis where - through the documentation of experiences - issues related to health and illness, human rights and the strategies that migrants use to face the difficulties and violence; finally, III) Analysis and intervention from the university space, which shows some of the interventions carried out by universities to influence the psychosocial well-being and protection of the rights of migrants.


Book: La investigación de la movilidad humana

ISBN: 9786078861019
Precio de lista: $290.00
Descuento: 10%