La ironía

La ironía - Vladimir Jankélévitch - Cuenco de plata
Publisher name: 
Cuenco de plata
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

Briefly, what is irony but conscience, a good mocking conscience - that differentiates it from hypocrisy. There is no humor without love or irony without laughter. Irony, in short, protects what can be saved. It is deadly to illusions; spreads everywhere the spider webs in which the pedantic, the vain, and the foolish are caught. "Irony, true freedom," cries Proudhon in the back of his cell at Sainte-Pélagie. The irony calls everything into question; with his indiscreet questions he ruins any definition, he constantly disturbs what is established by force, always predisposed to easy deduction. When he discovers it, the thought breathes relieved in the face of irony, which dances and dazzles in the mirror of reflection.

Vladimir Jankélévitch


Book: La ironía

ISBN: 9789873743368
Precio de lista: $480.00
Descuento: 25%