La lematización en español

Una aplicación para la recuperación de la información

La lematización en español - Raquel Gómez Díaz - Trea
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This book is part of information retrieval; in his review of the most important works in this field is, taking a closer look lemmatization and showing how it was created and the results that can be obtained with a stemmer for Spanish. Stemming is a morphological level enrolled in the natural language processing system, which aims to automatically normalize the terms belonging to the same family and therefore next in significance, reducing them to a common form or slogan. Its main objective is to obtain the minimum number of characters possible maximum term information. Stemming has been applied to different languages ​​will allow for improvements in the recovery results. The book is intended for professionals in the information and documentation and the general public who is knowledgeable on the subject need to be initiated in information retrieval, due to their work, study or more


Book: La lematización en español

ISBN: 9788497041867
Precio de lista: $675.00
Descuento: 25%