Flowing light of divinity is an invitation to travel through the autobiographical word of Matilde of Magdeburg, mystic and poet of the thirteenth century, the ways of love. It is a journey to meet God, which is the passion and desire of youth to weariness of old age, which leads us to the Cross ecstasy, union to rupture, of erotic joy to suffering.
Matilde's voice penetrates the mysteries of divinity and calls to abandon the flow of life, to contemplate and engage in the fire that burns and spills of divinity. The writing lacks linearity, evoking the circular path of a cosmic dance, the style of other medieval mystics, as Marguerite Porete or Hadewijch. A nomadic word that is at the same time, God's word. This work of Matilde is the oldest mystic female testimony in German and in the tradition of medieval mysticism, builds a bridge between Hildegard of Bingen and teacher Eckhar...read more