La razón de los afectos

Populismo, feminismo, psicoanálisis

La razón de los afectos - Roque Farrán - Prometeo
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It is not just about abandoning the big words and their significant illusions (Revolution, History, Humanism), it has always been about something else: thinking about unforeseen movements, between various devices, theoretical and practical, drawing diagonals, operating displacements, changes of terrain, redefinitions of problems, etc. In short, we do not stop practicing what has been called philosophy, without being clouded by its history, resuming the problematic (dis)relationship between words and things. More than a "love for wisdom", as can be seen from the literal definition, we speak of a "care for truths", generic and infinite, which are often deployed anonymously in the fields of art, science, politics or love. The compossibility of truths can only result from a singular gamble of knotting, incessantly restarted and replayed in the face of each event. In this case, it is more

Category: All >> Social sciences >> Gender

Book: La razón de los afectos

ISBN: 9789878331843
Precio de lista: $440.00
Descuento: 10%