La sabiduría recobrada

Filosofía como terapia

La sabiduría recobrada - Mónica Cavallé - Kairós
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 356 g
Soft cover

Those times when philosophy had a profound impact on the lives of those who cultivated it seem to be far from us, when it was a practice that involved a whole daily exercise and lifestyle. The word philosophy has become synonymous with "speculation", with pure theory, with sterile reflection, and we have almost forgotten that for a long time it was considered the path to wholeness and an inexhaustible source of inspiration for practical life. This conviction that wisdom and life are inseparable made philosophy the therapeutic knowledge par excellence.

This book is an invitation to know and cultivate that wisdom. It is addressed to those who have always suspected that philosophy would be useful to them, that it should be something much more relevant and directly concerning one's life than what is usually taught.


Book: La sabiduría recobrada

ISBN: 9788499880273
Precio de lista: $530.00
Descuento: 15%