La Santificación de la vida diaria

La Santificación de la vida diaria - M. Annette  Nailis - Herder
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Weight: 380 g

Ascetic training book for all Christians who do not want to see decoupled religion and life. The main idea of the whole work is the supreme commandment of Jesus Christ harmonized intense love of God with great love and dedication to others. True believers realize that their religion can not be dissociated from the life and yearn for a Christianity lived day after day, until the smallest details. To be Christian so M.A. Nailis wrote this valuable book ascetic training, which has become a classic of spirituality. The difficult and subject to lively discussions today are illustrated by the words of the most renowned authors.

Category: All >> Theology

Book: La Santificación de la vida diaria

ISBN: 8425400430
Precio de lista: $925.00
Descuento: 30%