La silicolonización de la subjetividad

Reflexiones en la nube

La silicolonización de la subjetividad -  AA.VV. - Navarra
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Soft cover

The Internet has changed our way of living, thinking, writing, relating, being and being in the world; In short, it has changed the way we create our subjectivity. In this book we wanted to bring together new reflections on the various problems that the different evolutions of social networks have brought, their applications, the confrontation with fake news, attacks and many more. We are the historians of what has happened on the Internet and on social networks, and we have said little or nothing about what will happen, precisely because the paths of these technologies are not assured, nor can we indicate with better precision what will happen. Here positions, criticisms, and analyzes are hatched that want to go beyond what is merely known. All the texts are under the common denominator that “Today the heavens are being assaulted, attacking the networks and the cloud.”


Book: La silicolonización de la subjetividad

ISBN: 9786073040570
Precio de lista: $350.00
Descuento: 10%