La trampa ucraniana

El relato occidental a examen

La trampa ucraniana - Luis Gonzalo Segura - Akal
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When a world in convulsion and change, which threatens to intensify the conflagration on a large scale, is recounted and reduced to the eternal struggle between good and evil, democracy against autocracy, that can only mean one thing: we have been robbed of the right to debate, to discern between the possible and the invented, between proven facts and propaganda. As in other times, pacifist perspectives are stigmatized, cornered and censored in the name of concepts such as human rights or freedom - always used according to the case and aligned with Western interests -, the aim is to impose a single option: war. A war, that of Ukraine, sown with care by those who have found reasons for it to start and continue today, despite the cost in human lives and suffering.

What do we really know about the conflict since it began in 2014? This is the question that the former lieutenant of more


Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Política

Book: La trampa ucraniana

ISBN: 9788446054016
Precio de lista: $440.00
Descuento: 15%