La Universidad en conflicto

Capturas y fugas en el mercado global del saber

La Universidad en conflicto -  AA.VV. - Traficantes de sueños
Publisher name: 
Traficantes de sueños
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 200 g
Soft cover

During the last two decades, the University has become the center of a controversy that widely transcends the campus enclosure. Objective of reforms that tend to mold it according to the neoliberal performative machine, the university institution has been appropriate to business logics, quartered and rebuilt according to cost-benefit parameters and prepared as a patent and knowledge factory with value in the new global market of knowledge of knowledge . How could it be otherwise, these mutations have affected their main inhabitants: students, turned into clients and investors in training; and teachers, precarious and fragmented in a multitude of contractual and labor situations. In this context, this book wants to offer a significant contribution to the compression and impulse of the struggles and conflicts that cross the transformations of the university system, while pointing more


Book: La Universidad en conflicto

ISBN: 9788496453555