La voz, ese instrumento…

La voz, ese instrumento… - Ana María Gómez - Gedisa
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 15.5 g

This work has, from the outset, an anthropological view of psychoanalysis, in the most immediate sense, considering the voice as an essential feature of every human being. From this idea we attended an exhaustive des religions to art, in which the design and use of voice vertebra careful review that the author makes studies of mythology, theology, physiology or anatomy, passing, of course, by the psychoanalytic theory and practice.  The voice, that instrument ... is a true example of how psychoanalysis can advance in depth and in breadth. Though imbued with specific ideas and concepts, this is not a technique works only for specialists, so that will interest strongly scholars from multiple disciplines, as well as the general reader who wants to know more about this extraordinary gift we all possess.


Book: La voz, ese instrumento…

ISBN: 8474327644
Precio de lista: $670.00
Descuento: 20%