Las Cosas deben cambiar

Una confesión valiente

Las Cosas deben cambiar - Bernhard  Häring - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 155 g

Courageous testimony of a leading theologian and pastor committed to favor a more human Church. Ideas past the censors, questioning, constructive spirit, the kind of relationships existing in the structures within the Church. The interpretation of the "temptations of Jesus" and the "temple cleansing" of Bernhard Häring Church puts before the mirror of the temptations to which she is always exposed. Hand in hand with concrete examples, the author points at which points this Church is distancing itself more and more the spirit of Jesus and is in danger of not fulfilling its mission. Bernhard Häring describes the dream of a fraternal Church, able to rebuild trust if it gets radically, like Jesus, to serve men. The author suggests that where the great temptations, there are also great opportunities for renewal. A passionate defense, constructive and hopeful.

Category: All >> Religion >> Christianity

Book: Las Cosas deben cambiar

ISBN: 8425419069
Precio de lista: $505.00
Descuento: 30%