Las derechas mexicanas frente a la Constitución, siglos XX y XXI

Las derechas mexicanas frente a la Constitución, siglos XX y XXI -  AA.VV. - Ibero
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The Mexican Constitution of 1917 endorsed the republican, federalist and secular principles of its predecessor; It also established unprecedented foundations for the political and economic structuring of the country and transformed the relations between the State and society. What were the disagreements raised by the right regarding the content of the Constitution of 17 and to what extent was an alternative national project outlined? These questions seek to open the discussion to a new look at national history and contribute to the analysis of the ways through which the Mexican right criticized the constitutional content and developed different strategies to outline the features of a State project. and an alternative nation to the one that defined the social and political imagination of contemporary Mexico.


Book: Las derechas mexicanas frente a la Constitución, siglos XX y XXI

ISBN: 9786074177787
Precio de lista: $400.00
Descuento: 15%