Las fronteras del discurso

Las fronteras del discurso - Mijail Mijáilovich Bajtín - Editorial Las cuarenta
Publisher name: 
Editorial Las cuarenta
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

The list is long: Foucault's archeology of knowledge, Pêcheux's discursive formations, Austin's speech acts, Fairclough's critical linguistics, and Bourdieu's habitus, among others. All those theories, all those concepts, could not have existed without the revealing propositions of Mikhail Bakhtin. Recovering through a new translation texts such as "The problem of discursive genres" and "The speaker of the novel" is a commitment to return (again and again) to the ideas that made Bakhtin a "founder of discursivity". The borders of the speech comes to point out that without Bakhtin, certain speeches would not have been possible; or better, that from the treatment that the Russian master makes of the discursive genres, the statement and the foreign word, an unsuspected universe of meanings and discussions has expanded in the human sciences.
"The problem of discursive genres" is more

Category: All >> Literature >> Literary essay

Book: Las fronteras del discurso

ISBN: 9789871501335