Chickens have no remedy is a book of aphorisms, notes and fragments; a compilation of various passages that have accumulated over the years in the author's personal notebooks. The tones in the writing, as in everyday humor, cover a diverse spectrum that goes from the philosophical sentence to irony and play. This book becomes a journey through the different topics that interest Palacios Kaim: art, books, home, space-time, body, humor. Luis Palacios Kaim (Mexico D.F., 1946) is a sociologist and philosopher from the Universidad Iberoamericana, an institution where he has taught subjects related to aesthetics and art theory. For thirty years, he has dedicated himself to sculpture, drawing, graphic arts and literature. He has exhibited his sculptural and plastic work in Mexico, the United States, France, Belgium, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Maca...read more