Publisher name:
Pólvora EditorialYear of publication:
326 Book size:
Weight: 350 g
Soft coverThe struggles of desire. Capitalism, territory, ecology by Félix Guattari is a book built from two other books, Cartographies of desire (Francisco Zegers Editor, 1989) and The becoming of subjectivity (Dolmen, 1998). Both are faithful portraits of the preparation and visit that Félix Guattari would make to our country in 1991. They are, in effect, a kind of "introduction" to the Chilean public of Guattari's ideas. And it should be noted that, as Pólvora Editorial, we return with this new edition to a certain "posta" or "relay" that questions that time of "transition" to democracy, more than 30 years later and a plebiscite for constitutional change.