Las plantas del Diablo

Un recorrido a través del cine, la literatura, el psicoanálisis y la filosofía

Las plantas del Diablo - Mario Domínguez Alquicira - Navarra
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

This book gives an account of the transformation that, over time, the treatment and use of psychoactive substances underwent, from the successive hegemonies that have had different discourses. It is through the different points of view that are addressed in each of the sections that are derived from the films, authors and texts that are covered, where the dominant ideas and stigmatizing social representations about drugs and the figure can be recorded. of users in tune with the social discursive construction of the so-called “drug problem.” The route shows the very diverse ways of thinking and conceiving this phenomenon of our time crossed by what Alain Ehrenberg called mass drug addiction, thus realizing its difference - and radical distance - with the consumption of psychoactive substances in solidarity with the idea of plants. divine—reserved for special occasions, whether social, more


Book: Las plantas del Diablo

ISBN: 9786079497620
Precio de lista: $350.00
Descuento: 10%