Libro del estilo urgente

Libro del estilo urgente -  Agencia EFE - Galaxia Gutenberg
Publisher name: 
Galaxia Gutenberg
Year of publication: 

The Book of urgent style of EFE is the first multimedia journalism handbook with horizon. It contains instructions and tips for better writing not only texts but also to care for the pictures, make videos with a suitable visual language and a coherent speech, and set audio (voice cuts and chronic). It also provides the necessary guidelines for collecting the contents of these four carriers in a single story whose narrative syntax serve all state ready for direct publication in the fifth media: Internet. Getting Around Red discernment requires more than skill, and this book offers a very useful guide to find the gems among the trash that hosts Internet and learn to separate reliable information from rumors and hoaxes.As important is what counts as what sometimes is muted, the Book of urgent style is also the first stylebook condemning Overture and the juxtaposition of unrelated facts more


Book: Libro del estilo urgente

ISBN: 9788481099393
Precio de lista: $310.00
Descuento: 25%