Líneas de frontera

Filosofía y postcolonialismo

Líneas de frontera - Emanuela Fornari - Gedisa
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In the last twenty years of the 20th century, a radical and destabilizing revision convulsed the ethnocentric presuppositions of the anthropological, philosophical and political thought of the West. The geopolitics of the planet were changing, and the projection onto other cultures of our categories of subjectivity, history, sovereignty, citizenship, universality or emancipation began to falter. The new attitude fostered the blossoming of "postcolonial" studies, brought together by the practice of contagion. Since then, the contamination between irreconcilable visions of life in society seems more fruitful than defensive entanglement, while the migration of concepts and principles follows the diaspora of the bodies of flesh and bone: it loses its exclusive connotation to become a state of choice. Being always "out of place" actually helps to take the world and ourselves with different...read more



Book: Líneas de frontera

ISBN: 9788416572762
Precio de lista: $310.00
Descuento: 20%