From different perspectives and with different accents, Anselm Grün and Leonardo Boff approach the same topic: where and how to find God? Grün seeks God in the human being: in oneself and in the other. Boff discovers God in the universe, from the initial Big Bang to the living beings that inhabit the planet Earth. They are two different starting points: the longing to experience God as a person and to see him emerge from within the process of the evolving universe.
Both paths, however, converge on the same conclusion about the divine essence. For, on the one hand, they go to meet the divine not outside the world but in the world, in the human being and in the cosmos. On the other, they recognize that the divine and the world are not one and the same: God remains the unnamed mystery only experienced by love. Only thus can the God origin and foundation of creation also be the God ...read more