Publisher name:
QuaterniYear of publication:
144 Book size:
Weight: 221.1 g
Soft coverLegend has it that in eighteenth-century Japan, a group of samurai was forced to become rōnin after the suicide of their lord. This is his story ... After offending Kōtsuké no Suké, shōgun protocol master, Takumi no Kami, lord of the Asano clan, he is condemned to die by means of seppuku (ritual suicide). His faithful samurai, turned into rōnin (samurai without sir), swore to avenge his death. This is the story of those 47 brave men, a story that illustrates in an unbeatable way the virtues of Bushidō: justice, courage, benevolence, respect, honesty, honor and loyalty. The book includes 51 full-color prints of the protagonists of the story, drawn by the great Ukiyo-e master Utagawa Kuniyoshi.