Los crisantemos

Los crisantemos - John Steinbeck - Nórdica
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This small Steinbeck masterpiece portrays the life of Elisa Allen, a strong and passionate woman, who leads a dull existence dedicated to her home. Married to a California farmer, her only illusion and pride is the cultivation of her flowers. The appearance of a peddler will make him question, in a way, his status as a woman.
First appeared in Harper magazine in 1937, the American author tells us about the subject of genre in a subtle and delicate way. It is a time when the world of women is dominated by men, which prevent their personal, social and sexual fulfillment.
The symbolism that underlies throughout the work makes it one of the most beautiful and essential short stories of the winner of the Nobel Prize in 1962.


Book: Los crisantemos

ISBN: 9788416440603
Precio de lista: $440.00
Descuento: 25%