Los derechos sociales como derechos exigibles

Los derechos sociales como derechos exigibles -  AA.VV. - Trotta
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Weight: 430 g

Although many constitutions and pacts ratified by the States incorporate social rights into their fundamental texts, the majority doctrinal tendency, and especially their practice, has reduced their value as rights, considering them mere promises of a political or at most incomplete rights. The purpose of this work is to argue in favor of a conception of social rights as real rights, and therefore enforceable, to point out the legal obligations that entail and offer a panorama of enforceability strategies, illustrated from the experience of international tribunals and from different nations. Christian Courtis is a professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Buenos Aires; Víctor Abramovich teaches the subject of Human Rights in the same University.


Book: Los derechos sociales como derechos exigibles

ISBN: 9788481645071
Precio de lista: $810.00
Descuento: 25%