Los Once mil falos

Los Once mil falos - Guillaume Apollinaire - Editorial fontamara
Publisher name: 
Editorial fontamara
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 193 g
Soft cover

Within the context of Apollinaire's work, The Eleven Thousand Phalluses can be considered the most "deliberately subversive" text. If the Marquis de Sade, through excesses and horrors, established the search for a new moral space before the French Revolution, Apollinaire before the First World War, under the revelation that starts from the moral bond, uses pornography and creates a book of landscapes and costumbrist anecdotes that outlines the path of excess as a way of reaching the communion of freedom. The Marquis's ideals, both formal and ideological, are taken up by Apollinaire. It adheres to a perfectly known and assimilated development, even allowing himself the luxury of citing references: “rogue marquises of the 18th century, already known in exquisite pages”, which clarify the poet's intentions... In this book, Apollinaire presents one of his facets, facets that shaped a writ...read more


Book: Los Once mil falos

ISBN: 9786077971436
Precio de lista: $145.00
Descuento: 15%