Los quebrantahuesos

Los quebrantahuesos - Lorel Manzano - Pollo blanco
Publisher name: 
Pollo blanco
Year of publication: 

A murder and two shots that sound in a first story and are replicated throughout the nine stories of the book The Quebrantahuesos are the narrative structure with which Lorel Manzano configures this editorial novelty published in co-edition with the government of the state of San Luis Potosí and White chicken editorial.

The Bearded Vulture is a volume of stories that made Lorel Manzano winner of the 2014 San Luis Potosí Short Story Award, given by a jury composed of Guadalupe Nettel, Orlando Ortiz and Eraclio Zepeda, who based their decision on "the effective way in which It deals with rural issues and suburban areas, and its novel search for language ".

The nine stories of the Lammergeier revel in the vague memory of a crime. In them, the reader attends to the coexistence of the not so alive with the not so deceased. A literature with fine mortuary taste; an offering be...read more


Book: Los quebrantahuesos

ISBN: 9786079619572