Los señores del libro

Propagandistas, censores y bibliotecarios en el primer franquismo

Los señores del libro - Eduardo Ruiz Bautista - Trea
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After the Spanish Civil War few institutions and lighting dreams in the previous period remained standing. The regime of the winners, drawing on models from Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, also gave a coup in the Republic of Letters, from then subjected to political and propaganda des ignios. Thus, a network of organizations and institutions to control calls with an iron hand the culture and establish itself as an instrument of political propaganda was hatched. The vision of books and reading, the discourse on what should be and the role they were to play in the new Spain, changed thanks to the joint action of the lords of the book, propagandists, and librarians censors waged a silent battle which some authors books and topics would come exalted, promoted and disseminated, while others, in another ideologically, politically or culturally attuned, fell into the abyss of forbidden books...read more


Book: Los señores del libro

ISBN: 9788497041713
Precio de lista: $1,205.00
Descuento: 25%