Los trabajos de Hércules

Los trabajos de Hércules - Javier Alonso López - Shackleton
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Hard cover

Hercules has to face twelve difficult tasks. Will he be able to overcome them all?
In ancient Greece, there were legends about countless heroes, beings born from the union of a deity and a human being who usually stood out for their bravery, strength or some other virtue. But, of all of them, the most famous and appreciated was, without a doubt, Hercules.

By order of the gods, Hercules had to carry out twelve dangerous and risky tasks in which he had to face the most fearsome monsters in the world. Did you surpass them all? What terrible monsters did he have to fight against? Did He defeat them all?

He enjoys the best mythology stories and gets to know its protagonists, with the books from the Mythology for children collection, by Shackleton Kids.


Book: Los trabajos de Hércules

ISBN: 9788417822866
Precio de lista: $299.00
Descuento: 10%