Lxs artesanxs libertarixs y la ética del trabajo

Lxs artesanxs libertarixs y la ética del trabajo - Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui - Madreselva
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Soft cover

The work we present here is based on the experiences, memories and reflections of a handful of men and women whose personal trajectories take root in a crucial phase for the organizational awakening of the working class in Bolivia: the 1920s. Taken together, the stories cover a period from the beginning of the century to the 1950s, reaching in some cases to the present. This wide temporal plot is crossed by different storylines, in which historical narration, ethical reflection and doctrinal discussion frequently intermingle. The result is presented in the form of a montage, in which the thematic organization, reflective in nature, has prevailed over strictly historical or chronological reconstruction. We realized that the investigation process had generated one of its most valuable fruits: after many years of lack of communication and isolation among colleagues, and after prolonged w...read more

Category: All >> Social sciences >> Politics

Book: Lxs artesanxs libertarixs y la ética del trabajo

ISBN: 9789872739065