Manifiesto del partido comunista

Manifiesto del partido comunista -  AA.VV. - Editorial fontamara
Publisher name: 
Editorial fontamara
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 155 g

This work, considered the greatest programmatic document of scientific socialism, exposes the main ideas of Marxism and proclaims the objectives of the struggle of the proletarian and its vanguard: the Communist Party; scientifically substantiating the paths of development of human society and clarifying the universal historical role played by the proletariat for development. This Manifesto, which contains the creed of all socialist doctrines, exerted a great influence on later communist literature and revolutionary thought, being considered the classic exposition of modern communism.

It has been translated into several languages ​​and has an extraordinary historical-political influence, still being a fundamental pillar for understanding the materialist conception of history, the class struggle and the set of problems inherent in the ideological construction of socialism. more

Book: Manifiesto del partido comunista

ISBN: 9786077363934
Precio de lista: $145.00
Descuento: 15%