Maravillándome con mi experiencia

Libro de apoyo para el docente para acompañar a Lis

Maravillándome con mi experiencia - Stella Accorinti - Manantial
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Soft cover

"Lis is a thoughtful little girl. Her mind is full of ideas about names, identity, manners, fantasy, knowledge and other deep philosophical questions. [...] Through this text the children have a chance to express your thoughts and pose your questions to life." Per Jespersen, FABI FpN in Denmark "For any teacher looking to stimulate young children to think about themselves and their world, Lis provides a brilliant text that sensitively adjusts the big issues of life to the experience and language of the kids who are starting to think about these issues. I highly recommend it." Dr. Philip Cam Director of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of New South Wales Former Director of the Federation of FpN Associations in Australasia The Teacher Support Book to accompany Lis is a fundamental resource to work on this story of Philosophy for Kids with the little ones. For each episode, more


Book: Maravillándome con mi experiencia

ISBN: 9789875000506
Precio de lista: $194.00
Descuento: 20%