Marco Polo

El viajero que descubrió las maravillas del lejano Oriente

Marco Polo - Víctor Lloret Blackburn - Shackleton
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Hard cover

Most of the heroes we meet are extraordinary beings with magical powers and a cape billowing from their shoulders. But there are also flesh and blood heroes, as human as you and me, who sometimes make mistakes and other times get things right in a big way.

Nowadays it is enough to take a plane to reach the other side of the world in a few hours. But it was not always like this: in the Middle Ages, for example, traveling was an adventure full of dangers and difficulties. For the young Marco Polo, the desire to learn about the culture and life of very distant countries was more important than fear. He decided to embark on a very long journey to the mysterious China of the great Kublai Khan, where he lived for many years. During his travels he discovered amazing things that no one knew about in Europe, such as banknotes, gunpowder or oil.

My Little Heroes is a collection more


Book: Marco Polo

ISBN: 9788417822064
Precio de lista: $249.00
Descuento: 10%